Friday, October 3, 2008

Common Allergies and Symptoms For Everyone

Over half of the world has some type of allergy. They can be year round or they can be seasonal allergies. No matter what type of allergies you have, it's an aggravating process to say the least. Allergies are mainly hereditary although some people can get them for unknown reasons. Typically allergies can be found in children and babies, although allergies can be diagnosed into adult hood for the first time. Things such as pollen, infection and smoking can increase your chances of having allergies. Most allergies can be controlled with different medications to help you live a more normal life. Here are some common allergies along with some of their symptoms.
While Asthma can be due to other reasons is mainly from allergies. Asthma is a breathing problem that really can get in the way of life if it's not controlled. Having asthma means you don't mass Air through the bronchial tubes as easy as someone who does not have asthma. People who have asthma get worse with each weather change. This could be heat, cold, rain or any other slight change. Often when it's hot and the humidity levels are high, they don't receive enough air and need help opening their air passage ways, with an inhaler or a nebulizer. Even then, it does not always do the trick. Symptoms can include:
•Chest Tightness
•Shortness of breath
•Long coughing spells
•Coughing while laying down
Allergic Rhinitis
This is also known as hay fever. This is another type of common allergy. This type is typically seasonal and refers to your nasal passage. Outside things such as pollen, cotton wood or other flying particles affect this allergy. If you have this type of allergy, but seem to have it more than seasonal, then it's probably due to the indoor allergens flying around. Things such as dust mites, mold and animal hair can cause this allergy to flare up. Even smaller things such as certain smells can aggravate this allergy. Some of the Symptoms can include:
•Stuffing nose
•Runny nose
•Nasal Itching
•Throat Itching from drainage
•Itchy Ears on the inside
Hives are a type of skin allergy. This typically means you are having an allergic reaction to something that has touched your body. It could be something that you ate, drank or something that has touched your skin. Hives can appear in people that don't have allergies but typically they don't. With this type of allergy it can become hard to diagnose. Logs of all daily activities will need to be kept in order to figure out the trigger area. Symptoms can include:
•Severe itching
•Red spots
•Raised looking rash
•Rash that spreads
•Blotchy Rash
Allergic Shock
Which is also called anaphylactic shock. This is a very serious allergic reaction and usually ends up life threatening if help is not reached soon. This happens when someone is severely allergic to something they have come in contact with. So if someone who has a sever peanut allergy ate a peanut, they could die unless they can reach help in time. Another reason can be from things such as a bee stings or wasp's stings. Some of the symptoms can include:
•Shortness of breath
•Swelling of the throat
•Swelling of the lips
•Thick hives
Robert Grazian is an accomplished niche website developer and author. To learn more about allergies visit New Allergy Treatments for current articles and discussions.
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Debbie Wallace said...

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